FITS Keywords

StarCluster Implementation Status descriptions
Not ImplementedThe Keyword is defined, but no further processing is done. Alternatively, the HDU type is not recognised.
Basic ImplementationThe Keyword is defined within he structure of the FITS file and structural integrity is validated. Data is not loaded.
Processing implementationInitial actions are implemented and properties are created.
Post-processing implementedTriggers and validators are called and data is reflected on corresponding Astro objects.
Complete implementedThe Keyword parsing is fully implemented, astronomically meaningful information (if any) is extracted, but not fully tested.
Tested implementationAll aspects of the Keyword record are fully tested.
BloggedBlogpost and documentation describe the Keyword record.
DeprecatedThe Keyword is deprecated, or there is no need to be handled by the software, so it is ignored. The format is checked for correctness. Some deprecated Keywords must be parsed for compatibility reasons (e.g. EPOCH).