Oficial FITS Standard
- FITS Support Office at NASA/GSFC. This is the main FITS site (FITS Home). Unfortunately, the site (besides having a design from the 1990s) is not very helpful for developers, and the set of different types of FITS files is extremely minimalistic and contains errors. For convenience, we'll select a few important links from the site. We will also host most important FITS standard documents and articles published in science magazines in PDF format.
- The FITS Standard Document in multiple formats. This is the definitive reference document that defines the requirements for FITS file format. Although it was proof-read by many astronomers for two years before being published in its final form (2018) it still contains a few errors. We reported these errors, and until they are fixed in the next edition, we will describe them in a tech note.
More FITS related links
- FITS at Wikipedia is a good, compact article about the FITS format. It contains few references to publicly available software programs dealing with the FITS format. Not for beginners.
FITS related Articles (PDF)